5 sustainable jewelry brands you should buy from.

I love how social media can sometimes be a mean to learn new thing, to get better.

I've recently discovered a Youtube channel I really love: Carotilla. Carotilla aka Camilla is an Italian mom of 2. She is a lot of things including a strong sostainer of sustainable fashion.
I'm still new on the topic but if you wanna know more you can take a look at this page: https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/sustainable-fashion/0/steps/13529
What I know for sure is that sustainable fashion is a good way to help others, to help the environment and the whole world we live in.

She recorded several videos on alternative fashion including some on sustainable jewelry and this sparked this post.
I found on Ecolustre.com a good definition of how jewelry can or cannot be sustainable:
The main issue is in how metals are mined.  The extraction techniques which may include stripping the surface soil and using chemicals can cause soil erosion, formation of sinkholes, loss of biodiversity and contamination of soil and both ground and surface water.  
As I'm an avid jewelry buyer, I decided to scavenge the web to find 5 interesting sustainable jewelry brands.


They say: "Our business model is not creating goods in a strong economic country, selling those goods in the West, and then giving charity to developing countries. This still leaves the developing country out of the opportunity for economic growth, and keeps them in a cycle of dependency. We believe in doing the manufacturing in the communities we wish to impact, creating jobs along the way. Although it often creates a unique set of challenges, trade with developing countries is an empowerment model that we are committed to"

What you can find: cute earrings, rings, bracelets and necklaces ranging from $10 to $80

My pick:
Orion chocker


They say: "We (the founders and masterminds behind Eco Lustre) are sisters, friends and now business partners.  Eco Lustre came to be because we wanted a place to shop for cute, cool, elegant jewelry that's affordable and environmentally friendly. When we didn't find a single source that had it all, we decided to create one ourselves. And because we have fashion and jewelry merchandising background and two people's worth of great taste, it was a natural fit"

What you can find: cute earrings, rings, bracelets and necklaces ranging from $20 to $150

My pick:

XO Earrings


They say: "Lovebullets is a British conceptual fashion brand founded at Glastonbury Festival, with an ethos of transforming items of destruction into works of art, jewellery and fashion accessories to express an ideology of love overriding negative thought. 'The aim during the design process is to soften the hardness of war artillery and enthuse these objects with a new life and usage, changing perceptions and working with their shapes uncovering subtle beauty in the most unlikely places."

What you can find: cute earrings, rings, bracelets and necklaces ranging from £35 to £225

My pick:
Lepidolite crystal


They say: "Creazioni Zuri - by Chiara Zuliani and Manuela Rigon - is a start up born in 2011 with the ambitious inspiration of creating contemporary jewelry that bridges innovation and tradition.
At Zuri Creations, innovation is propelled by creativity, expressed via unique aesthetic designs and materials. The jewelry is primarily composed by recycled paper, a humble but strongly evocative medium, characterized by surfaces gifted with impurities and imperfections, capable of titillating the tactile and visive senses."

What you can find: unbelievably pretty paper jewelry

My pick (as seen on Carotilla):
Geometrica earrings


On Etsy!

What you can find: wood jewelry that doesn't look as wood at all!

My pick:
Hands wood earrings

An extra gem for Italian-speaking readers is the lovely Maraismara!


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