Jewelry to wear everyday.
I couldn't even sleep without my jewelry. I have some pieces I live, breathe, sleep with: my everyday pieces. As I said in some previous posts, I'm a ring and earrings girl at heart. Those are the pieces I like to wear the most. When I buy new ones, I always check if they're either silver or gold as I want to live along with my pieces. The majority of the pieces you find in these pics are - no surprise - by Fashionology . At the moment I'm all about minimal and micro earrings. I have a total of 12 earrings that I have to find pieces for. The pieces I have on now are: Tiny Hoop Earrings 14mm , Tiny Simple Stud Earpin s, Tiny Simple Stud Earpins Gold Plated and Mini Clear Quartz Stud Earpins . I absolutely love them, so delicate. I'd like to swap my simple hoops for thicker ones (Fashionology told me they'll be part of their January collection, YAY!). Un post condiviso da Claudia Mancini (@itsclaudiam) in data: 25 Mag 2...